精神分析取向心理治療入門課程 第三季----診療室內:治療框架與過程、治療師與病人
The Consulting Room: The Therapeutic Setting and the Therapist-Patient Relationship
註:第3堂和第7堂課程講師與主題交換 (2016/10/13)
堂數 |
日期 |
主題 |
講師 |
1 |
10/05 |
移情 Transference |
李曉燕心理師 |
2 |
10/12 |
投射認同 Projective Identification |
黃守宏醫師 |
3 |
10/19 |
治療的框架:開始、結束、和目標 Therapeutic Setting: beginning, termination, and aims |
李詠慧心理師 |
4 |
10/26 |
阻抗及其處置 Resistance and how can we do about it |
陳冠宇醫師 |
5 |
11/02 |
夢、症狀、以及日常生活中的錯誤 Dream, Symptoms and slips in everyday life |
李郁芬醫師 |
6 |
11/09 |
精神分析與心理治療:兩者的異同與適用範圍 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: differences and indications |
邱顯智醫師 |
7 |
11/16 |
反移情與治療師的訓練與養成 Counter-transference and the Professional Development |
劉心蕾心理師 |
8 |
11/23 |
詮釋:什麼是詮釋?何時詮釋?如何詮釋? Interpretation: What? When? How? |
粘慧美醫師 |
9 |
11/30 |
在機構中技巧與框架的修正 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutions |
蔡榮裕醫師 |
10 |
12/07 |
治療的倫理議題 Ethical Issues |
洪雅琴心理師 |
11 |
12/14 |
心理治療是否有效 Therapeutic factors |
謝昀蓁心理師 |
12 |
12/21 |
在理論與臨床之間 Relations between the theory and the practice |
劉佳昌醫師 |
邱顯智:兒童青少年精神科專科醫師,英國倫敦 Tavistock Center進修,臺灣精神分析學會會員
9/28移情 Transference
1) Owen Renik (1990). The Concept of a Transference Neurosis and Psychoanalytic
Methodology. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 71:197-204
2) Ralph R. Greenson, M.D. (1965). The Working Alliance and the Transference Neurosis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 34:155-181
3) Joseph Sandler, Ph.D., M.D. and Anne-Marie Sandler, Lic. es Sc. (1984). The Past Unconscious, the Present Unconscious, and Interpretation of the Transference. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 4:367-399
10/05反移情與治療師的訓練與養成 Counter-transference and the Professional Development
1) Heinrich Racker, Ph.D. (1953). A Contribution to the Problem of Counter-Transference1. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 34:313-324
2) Paula Heimann(1950). On Counter-Transference. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 31:81-84
3) Derek Davidson, M.D. (2009). Negative Counter-Transference in Psychotherapy of Personality Disorder. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 17:62-82
10/12投射認同 Projective Identification
1) Herbert Rosenfeld(1987). Impasse and Interpretation: Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychotic, borderline, and neurotic patients. New Library of Psychoanalysis, 1:1-318. London: Tavistock.
2) Richard Carvalho(Edited by: Review by: Barbara Wharton) (1989). Sandler, J. (Ed.). Projection, Identification, Projective Identification. Connecticut, International Universities Press, 1987. pp. xii + 216. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 34:395-399
3) Michael Feldman(1997). Projective Identification: The Analyst's Involvement. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 78:227-241
10/26 阻抗及其處置 Resistance and how can we do about it
1) David Rosenfeld(1980). The Handling of Resistances in Adult Patients. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 61:71-83
2) Paul A. Dewald (1980). The Handling of Resistances in Adult Psychoanalysis. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 61:61-69
3) Fred Busch, Ph.D. (1992). Recurring Thoughts on Unconscious Ego Resistances.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 40:1089-1115
11/02 夢、症狀、以及日常生活中的語誤 Dream, Symptoms and slips in everyday life
1) Eugene J. Mahon, M.D. (2005). A Parapraxis in a Dream. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 74:465-484
2) Richard V. Yazmajian, M.D. (1968). Slips of the Tongue in Dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 37:588-595
11/09 精神分析與心理治療:兩者的異同與適用範圍 Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: differences and indications
1) Leo Stone, M.D. (1954). The Widening Scope of Indications for Psychoanalysis.Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2:567-594
2) Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, M.D. (1954). Psychoanalytic and General Dynamic Conceptions of Theory and of Therapy—Differences and Similarities. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 2:711-721
3) Robert S. Wallerstein(1989). Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy: An Historical Perspective. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 70:563-591
11/16 治療的框架:開始、結束、和目標 Therapeutic Setting: beginning, termination, and aims
1) Arnold H. Modell, M.D. (1989). The Psychoanalytic Setting as a Container of Multiple Levels of Reality: A Perspective on the Theory of Psychoanalytic Treatment.
Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 9:67-87
2) Glen O. Gabbard(2009). What is a “Good Enough” Termination?. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 57:575-594
3) John Steiner(1989). The Aim of Psychoanalysis*. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 4:109-120
11/23 詮釋:什麼是詮釋?何時詮釋?如何詮釋? Interpretation: What? When? How?
1) Ruth Riesenberg-Malcolm(1995). The Three ‘W's: What, Where And When: The Rationale Of Interpretation. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 76:447-456
2) Ronald Britton and John Steiner(1994). Interpretation: Selected Fact or Overvalued Idea?. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 75:1069-1078
3) Fred Busch(2000). What is a Deep Interpretation?. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 48:237-254
11/30 在機構中技巧與框架的修正 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Institutions
1) R D Hinshelwood(1986). The Psychotherapist's Role in a Large Psychiatric Institution.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 2:207-215
2) Silvia W. Olarte, M.D., DFAPA(2009). The Dynamic Psychiatrist: Internist of the Mind.
Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 37:287-298
3) Dr. Klaus Hoffmann, M.D. (2002). Psychoanalysis in Psychiatric Institutions: Theoretical and Clinical Approaches. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 11:237-243
12/07 治療的倫理議題 Ethical Issues
1) R. E. Money-Kyrle (1952). Psycho-Analysis and Ethics. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 33:225-234
2) Heinrich Racker (1966). Ethics and Psycho-Analysis and the Psycho-Analysis of Ethics.
International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 47:63-80
3) Glen O. Gabbard(2000). Disguise or Consent: Problems and Recommendations Concerning the Publication and Presentation of Clinical Material1. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 81:1071-1086
12/14 心理治療是否有效 Therapeutic factors
1) Franz Alexander(2007). Analysis of the Therapeutic Factors in Psychoanalytic Treatment. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 76:1065-1083
2) Robert Michels(2007). Commentary on Franz Alenxander's "Analysis of the Therapeutic Factors in Psychoanalytic Treatment". Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 76:1103-1112
3) Charles Brenner, M.D. (1979). Working Alliance, Therapeutic Alliance, And Transference. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 27S:137-157
4) Falk Leichsenring(2005). Are psychodynamic and psychoanalytic therapies effective?: A review of empirical data. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 86:841-868
12/21 在理論與臨床之間 Relations between the theory and the practice
1) Freud, S. (1912). Recommendations to physicians practising psycho-analysis. S.E., 12: 109-120
2) Loewald, H.W. (1970). Psychoanalytic Theory and the Psychoanalytic Process. Psychoanal. St. Child, 25:45-68
3) Fonagy, P. (2003). Some Complexities in the Relationship of Psychoanalytic Theory to Technique. Psychoanal. Q., 72:13-47
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【精神分析取向心理治療 入門課程】全系列課程綜覽
(每季為一獨立單位,各 12 堂課)
第一季 跨過精神分析的門檻:十二個基本概念
第二季 百家爭鳴:另起爐灶的基本概念
第三季 診療室內:治療框架與過程、治療師與病人
第四季 你可能或不可能遇到的:臨床的各種面貎以及精神分析的應用
第四季 (2017年3~6月) Psychopathology and the Developmental Issues |
日期 |
課程題目 |
講師 |
03/22 |
憂鬱 Depression |
陳冠宇 |
03/29 |
精神病 Psychosis |
黃守宏 |
04/05 |
邊緣型疾患 Borderline Disorders |
李郁芬 |
04/12 |
心身症、飲食疾患與成癮 Psychosomatic Disorders, Eating Disorders and Addiction |
陳冠宇 |
04/19 |
精神官能症與焦慮 Neurosis and Anxiety |
黃彥勳 |
04/26 |
倒錯 Perversions |
游佩琳 |
05/10 |
嬰幼兒心理健康 Infant Mental Health |
洪雅琴 |
05/17 |
兒童心理治療 Child Psychotherapy |
邱顯智 |
05/24 |
青少年及客體移除 Adolescence and Object Removal |
李儒卿 |
05/31 |
老化的過程 The Aging Process |
邱智強 |
06/07 |
創傷 Trauma(actual neurosis) |
謝昀蓁 |
06/14 |
自戀 Narcissistic Disorders |
李曉燕 |