【上課時間】週六下午 12:30-17:30(每學期進行15週)
【錄取通知】學會將於 2015/06/30 前經內部討論,確認錄取名單並個別通知。
日期 |
上課時間 |
課程名稱 |
主講人 |
2015.9 - 2016.1 |
12:30-14:00 |
理論:其他當代理論 |
周仁宇 (協同講師:黃彥勳) |
14:15-15:45 |
個案討論(A)、(B) |
(A)周仁宇 (B)林怡青 |
16:00-17:30 |
治療技術:詮釋、行動、阻抗、修通 |
林怡青 (協同講師:李詠慧) |
2016.3 - 2016.6 |
12:30-14:00 |
治療倫理 |
林玉華 (協同講師:葉怡寧) |
14:15-15:45 |
個案討論(A)、(B) |
(A)林玉華 (B)盧志彬 |
16:00-17:30 |
精神病理 |
盧志彬 |
2016.9 - 2017.1 |
12:30-14:00 |
人類發展 |
洪素珍 |
14:15-15:45 |
理論:古典精神分析 |
李郁芬、陳冠宇 |
16:00-17:30 |
個案討論(A)、(B) |
(A)李郁芬、陳冠宇 (B)洪素珍 |
2017.3 - 2017.6 |
12:30-14:00 |
理論:英國客體關係 |
劉佳昌 |
14:15-15:45 |
個案討論(A)、(B) |
(A)劉佳昌 (B)蔡榮裕 |
16:00-17:30 |
治療技術:治療結構、移情、反移情 |
蔡榮裕 |
1. 繳費方式將在確定錄取後個別通知
2. 費用:兩年課程共 80,000元(臺灣精神分析學會會員 60,000元)
註:採每年繳費,每年 40,000元(臺灣精神分析學會會員 30,000元)
上課時間(共15堂):9/5, 9/12, 9/19, 9/26, 10/3 ,10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/21, 12/5, 12/12, 12/26, 2016/1/9, 1/16, 1/23
1. 防衛機轉:這一切都從某個小女孩的性幻想開始…
Freud, A. (1923). The Relation of Beating-Phantasies to a Day-Dream. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 4:89-102
2. 人類的發展路線以及分離個體化
Margaret Mahler (1967). On Human Symbiosis and the Vicissitudes of Individuation. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 15:740-763
3. 精神結構和身份認同的形成
Erikson, E.H. (1956). The Problem of Ego Identity. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 4:56-121.
4. 嚴重扭曲的自我與相應的治療法修正
Kernberg, O., Yeomans, F.E., Clarkin, J.F., Levy, K.N. (2008). Transference Focused Psychotherapy: Overview and Update. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 89:601-620.
5. 表徵世界:這就是所謂的內在現實嗎?
Sandler, J. and Rosenblatt, B. (1962). The Concept of the Representational World. Psychoanal. St. Child, 17:128-145
6. 天生就會跑:角色感應與行動化
Sandler, J. (1976). Countertransference and Role-Responsiveness. Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 3:43-47
7. 不論你再怎麼分析都躲不過這個悲劇
Schafer, R. (2007). The Reality Principle, Tragic Knots, and the Analytic Process. J. Amer. Psychoanal. Assn., 55:1151-1168
8. 一個偉大分析師的幡然悔悟,還是誤入岐途?
Kohut, H. (1979). The Two Analyses of Mr Z. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 60:3-27
9. 各種顏色的焦慮:死亡母親情結
Green, A. ([1972] 1986). The Dead Mother. In On Private Madness. London: Karnac.
10. 無,名萬物之始
Green, A. (1997). The Intuition of the Negative in Playing and Reality. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 78:1071-1084
11. 這真的是投射認同嗎?
Ogden, T.H. (1995). Analyzing Forms of Aliveness and Deadness of the Transference-Countertransference. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 76:695-709
12. 兩個主體?主體加客體?還有另一個?
Ogden, T. (1994). The Analytic Third: Working with Intersubjective Clinical Facts. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 75:3-19
13. 治療師可以揭露自己對個案的情欲感受嗎?
Davies, J.M. (1994). Love in the Afternoon: A Relational Reconsideration of Desire and Dread in the Countertransference. Psychoanal. Dial., 4:153-170
14. 深度分析真的比較有深度嗎?
Green, A. (1974). Surface Analysis, Deep Analysis (The Role of the Preconscious in Psychoanalytical Technique). Int. Rev. Psycho-Anal., 1:415-423
15. 分析中的每一分每一秒
Stern, D.N., Sander, L.W., Nahum, J.P., Harrison, A.M., Lyons-Ruth, K., Morgan, A.C., Bruschweilerstern, N. and Tronick, E.Z. (1998). Non-Interpretive Mechanisms in Psychoanalytic Therapy: The ‘Something More’ Than Interpretation. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 79:903-921
協同講師: 李詠慧
9/5 Lect 1: 阻抗(Resistance)面面觀 (1)
1. S. Freud(1910), Vol.11 pp221—227, ‘wild’ Psycho-analysis.
2. S. Freud(1913), Vol. 12, pp121—145, on beginning the treatment. .
3. S. Freud(1917), Vol.16, pp286—302, Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis. Lec. XIX, Resistance and Repression.
9/12 Lect 2: 阻抗(Resistance)面面觀 (2)
1.Strachey, J. (1934). The Nature of the Therapeutic Action of psychoanalysis. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 15:127—159
2.Greenson R. R. (1967), The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis.Ch.2 Resistance. Pp97—109; Pp 110—125.(International Universities Press.)
9/19 Lect 3: 阻抗(Resistance)面面觀 (3)
1.Greenson R. R. (1967), The Technique and Practice of Psychoanalysis.Ch.2 Resistance. Pp247—268.
2.Betty Joseph(1983) On understanding and not understanding : some technical issues. Int. J. of Psychoanalysis., 64:291-8
9/26 Lect 4: 理解與修通 (understanding and working through )(1)
1.Betty Joseph (1981), Ch. 6 Towards the experiencing of Psychic Pain, in Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic Change.( London and New York: Routledge.)
2.Betty Joseph (1978) , Ch 7 Different types of anxiety and their handling in the analytic situation, in Psychic Equilibrium and Psychic Change. (London and New York: Routledge.)
10/3 Lect 5: Freud 談精神分析的技術 (1)
1.Freud, S (1913) On Beginning the Treatment. S.E.12. PP121—145
2.Freud, S (1912) Recommendations to physicians Practicing Psychoanalysis. S.E.12. pp109—121.
10/17 Lect 6: Freud 談精神分析的技術 (2)
1.Freud, S. (1911). The Handling of dream-interpretation in psychoanalysis. SE.12, PP89—97
2.Freud, S. (1923). Remarks upon the theory and practice of dream-interpretation. S.E. 19. PP109—123
3.Segal,H (2001) Ch 1.Interpretation of dreams—100years on. In Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.PP14—25 (Routledge)
10/31 Lect 7: Freud 談精神分析的技術 (3)
1.Freud, S (1914) Remembering, Repeating and Working Through.SE.12. PP145—157
2.Freud, S (1919) Lines of Advance in Psychoanalytic therapy. SE.17. PP157--169
11/14 Lec 8: Patient-centered Interpretation
Steiner, J.(1994) 'Patient-centered and analyst centered interpretations: some implications of “containment and countertransference”', Psychoanalytic Enquiry. 14, 406-422.
11/21 Lec 9: 自體心理學 1—邊緣型人格的處遇技術
12/5 Lect 10: 永無止盡的精神分析?
Freud, S. (1937). Analysis terminable and interminable.SE.23. pp209—216
12/12 Lect 11: 不一樣的聲音: 獨立學派觀點
Bollas, Christopher (2006) Ch.5 On Transference Interpretation as a Resistance to Free Association. In The Freudian Moment. Pp85-100. London: Karnac.
12/26 Lec 12: 自體心理學 2—自戀型人格的處遇技術
1/9 Lect 13: 精神分析的另起爐灶: Mentalization-Based Treatment
Bateman, A., Fonagy, P. (2013). Mentalization-Based Treatment. Psychoanal. Inq., 33:595-613.
1/16 Lect 14: 理解與修通 (understanding and working through ) (2)
1.Betty Joseph(1983) On understanding and not understanding : some technical issues. Int. J. of Psychoanalysis., 64:291-8 (已是lecture 3的reference 之一)
2.Pick , I. B.(1985) Working Through in the Countertransference. In International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 66:157-166
1/23 Lect 15: 理解與修通 (understanding and working through ) (3)
1.Freud, S (1914) Remembering, Repeating and Working Through.SE.12. PP145—157
2.Lemma, A. (2003) Ch.5 Unconscious Communication. In Introduction to the Practice of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. (Wiley-Blackwell)
3.Steiner, J. (2005) The Conflict between Mourning and Melancholia. In Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 74:83-104